Further easing of the lockdown restrictions come into place from Saturday 4th July in England, with revisions also being planned in Wales.
This includes a social distance of ‘one metre plus’, where it is not possible to stay two metres apart. This means staying one metre apart, plus mitigations which reduce the risk of transmission.
From this date, pubs, restaurants, hairdressers, some lesiure facilities, places of worship and libraries will all be able to reopen in England.
This ease of restrictions is based on businesses being able to adhere to COVID-19 secure guidelines.
Floor marking and social distancing markers will continue to play an important part in helping businesses direct and manage their staff and customer flow.
To help, Wessex Packaging has a wide range of hazard tape and floor marking graphics, for social distancing guiding.
Contact Wessex Packaging about social distancing hazard tape by calling 01935 474 217 or email [email protected]
We can help with all your COVID-19 protection products, as well as your packaging materials. Ask us how we can help.
Wessex Packaging. Your trusted packaging supplier. Since 1975.